
We achieve this through our Art Based Educational Curricullum (ABEC), in the form of workshops, shows, camps, and classes, aiming for experiential learning and revitalising the arts for the younger generation. Pupalife's vision is to create a platform for discovering, honing, and showcasing inner potentials.

pupalife-Elephant is a best storyteller


Bringing stories into your life through the magic of puppetry, ventriloquism, theater, & more!

pupalife-educational projects


Creating educational initiatives aligned with our core values for a brighter future.

pupalife-young entrepreneure

Skill Trainings

Assists children in cultivating their creativity and entrepreneurial talents.

Want to be a part (Volunteer | Trainer) of our project and shows?

Join Us

Join us as a volunteer & help create a positive impact on society through storytelling.


Perform engaging and humorous ventriloquist acts to convey messages about phone addiction.

Shadow Puppetry 

Visual storytelling using shadow puppets to depict the consequences of phone addiction and the joys of real-life interactions.

 Musical Storytelling 

 Incorporate music to create an emotional connection and emphasize key messages about phone usage and its impact.

Clown Theatre performances 

Employ clowns to perform skits that humorously yet effectively highlight the issue of phone addiction and suggest positive changes.

Book Reading 

 Use book readings to highlight stories related to digital well-being and the importance of reducing screen time.

Location Storytelling 

Adapt stories to the local context, making them more relatable and impactful for the audience.

Paper Bag Making 

Conduct sessions on making eco-friendly paper bags, promoting both creativity and environmental consciousness.

Theatre Workshops 

Conduct workshops to teach basic theatre skills, encouraging participants to express themselves creatively.

Craft Workshops 

 Engage participants in various craft activities that emphasise the value of hands-on, creative engagement over screen time.

Wall Painting sessions 

 Organize mural painting workshops to encourage artistic expression and community engagement.

Shadow Puppet Making 

Teach participants how to create and use shadow puppets for storytelling.

Parenting Workshop 

Conduct workshops to teach basic theatre skills, encouraging participants to express themselves creatively.